Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart kiss while Muse plays Neutron Star Collision
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (actually Edward and Bella kiss) kiss while Neutron Star Collision by Muse plays in their new video debut. But let me set the stage:
The color wheel changes from red to blue, while a lone pianist tickles the ivories underneath the atmospheric alternating hues. Then we see Bella (Kirsten Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson), in a meadow, exchanging a ring. It looks like love that can't be torn apart by anything or for any reason.
But wait. Now Bella is in the arms of Jake, while Edward looks on, hurt by what he sees, his wanton feelings showing on his very pale face.
And suddenly there's a forest, some wolves, a confrontation. It's all too much -- but you can't look away. Robert Pattinson, gorgeous as ever with searing eyes, stares at you, luring you back. And the love story grows while the tension mounts in the song itself as scenes from Twilight Eclipse intersperse with the strains of the Muse music.
Then we're back to Bella and Edward, together again. And yes, they kiss, right there courtesy Atlantic Recording Corporation and Muse with their song Neutron Star Collision, which is ironcially subtitled Love is Forever, begging the question:
Will Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart kiss again, in Eclipse, in real life, in another universe. OK, I am carried away but you get my drift.
As I watch Muse sing Star Collision on their new video and witness those scenes from Eclipse. the combination makes me want to move the calendar up to June 30 so I can see the film I've been waiting for and writing about for so long. Twilight Eclipse is coming, but not soon enough. I toltally agree! Can't wait to see Eclipse, the best book and sure to be the best movie ever!!!!!!! Candeecarol
For photos of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Eclipse, click HERE.
For photos of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in real life, click HERE.
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