Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rob's Sister, Lizzy, on Twilight's Soundtrack

Lizzy Pattinson Speaks About Her Contribution To The Twilight Soundtrack

You wrote a song for “Twi­light,” what is it like hear­ing your song on film?

It wasn’t a song as such; I sang ambi­ent back­ground vocals on the film score. My vocals are prob­a­bly most promi­nent on the piece ‘Who Are They’ at the moment Edward Cullen first appears in the cafe­te­ria scene. I recorded the vocals with Carter Bur­well and Cather­ine Hard­wicke at Hans Zimmer’s stu­dio in Los Ange­les and Air Stu­dios in Lon­don. They were both such amaz­ing peo­ple to work with and it was fas­ci­nat­ing to see and hear how much the music affects the mood of the scene. I feel honored to have been a part of the film, albeit a very small part. It was so much fun!

You can fol­low her MySpace page to get tour info.

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